# Create apps via UI

An example repository containing a guestbook application is available at https://github.com/argoproj/argocd-example-apps.git (opens new window) to demonstrate how Argo CD works.

# Create an app

Open the Argo CD external UI at https://argocd.demo.kube-plus.cloud (opens new window) and log in with your credentials (see https://auth.demo.kube-plus.cloud). By default this should be the kube-plus user.

After logging in, click the + New App button as shown below:

new app

Give your app the name guestbook, use the project default, and leave the sync policy as Manual:

name, project, sync details

Connect the https://github.com/argoproj/argocd-example-apps.git repo to Argo CD by setting repository url to the github repo url, leave revision as HEAD, and set the path to guestbook:

connect git repo

For Destination, set cluster to in-cluster and namespace to default:

connect git repo

After filling out the information above, click Create at the top of the UI to create the guestbook application:

connect git repo

# Sync (deploy) the app

Click the Sync button

connect git repo

and observe as it transitions to the desired state

connect git repo

The official Argo CD user guide is available at https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/ (opens new window) and provides the complete list of features and best practices.

Last Updated: 3/1/2022, 4:15:49 PM